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There is a life beyond corporate slavery

Ditch your cubicles to gain Time and Money freedom by learning High-Income Skills


You are stuck!You are irritated with a monotonous job that sucks your blood every single day.You see people doing well without a job and traveling the world anytime they want to.You compare yourself with other people and feel how they earn lakhs per month.

This is where you must stand up for yourself and take a decision to change your life forever.You get bogged down by your colleagues, friends, family and relatives who can’t see what you can see.People can only rise to the level of their limited mindset.They can’t see life beyond their jobs.

The biggest MYTHS!

“Email marketing is DEAD!”
“AI is taking over!”
“Why hire a copywriter when I can just use AI to write emails?!”
“Who needs an email list when I have a large social following?”

Stop right there and listen, because I’m going to tell you THREE little secrets…There are a lot of misconceptions floating around the internet when it comes to email marketing.AND I’m going to give you the SECRET WEAPON that’ll give you a massive advantage and leg-up over any competition.

Myth #1
Email Marketing Is DEAD

This is the biggest myth that I’ve been hearing ever since I started my online journey eight years ago.And guess what?No matter what you hear and read…Email Marketing is STILL the single best way to market your brand or business, increase your revenue, and cash in on more conversions.It is estimated that there are 4 BILLION active email users right now (and that number is ONLY projected to go up).Email marketing consistently delivers the highest ROI of all marketing channels – earning on average $42 for every dollar spent…and in case you don’t want to do the math on that…
That’s an ROI of 4200%!! I don’t know of a single brand or business that wouldn’t love to see this.
Even Millennials and gen-Z-ers prefer email to social media as per various researches done.And not only is email your consumer’s favorite way of communicating…it should be your favourite too! And that’s because your list is YOURS.It belongs to YOU. Not Facebook, not Instagram. Not LinkedIn. YOU.

Myth #2
Templates Work Better
This is another myth I’ve been hearing over and over again lately.“Why hire a copywriter when I can just use AI and email templates?!Please note that I’m referring to fancy and impersonal emails that are all show and no substance.You know those fancy-looking HTML emails you commonly see from e-commerce sites or big corporate businesses…Extensive A/B testing has shown that the overwhelming majority of consumers prefer simple, text-based emails (you know, just like those emails you send to your friends and family).While copywriters might not be able to design a “pretty-looking email”…They are specially trained to WRITE WORDS THAT WORK.They understand how to craft powerful subject lines that hook your reader and get them to open your email.They know how to open a loop with engaging content to get your consumers to keep reading…And they know the psychological triggers that get people to CLICK and BUY your offer…And when you’re a business that RELIES on having a strong, powerful, and intimate relationship with your consumers…These factors are absolutely essential to your Email Marketing success.

Myth #3
AI Is Taking Over
Look, we’ve all heard it… AI is replacing copywriters—and especially in the Email Marketing world.Because I mean, who wants to spend money for an experienced copywriter when they could just spend a quarter of the money on some fancy automation software that “does just as good”?Right? NO!!!I know AI software and done-for-you templates are becoming more and more prevalent in the email marketing space…But with that said, there’s a whole lot more to the story than what the internet would have you believe…A.I. is a tool, not a takeover.And as a TOOL—there are certain things A.I. CAN help us to optimize, streamline, and improve…Things like: research, ideation, email automation, personalization, and segmentation.You know, the left-brain, back-end, logistical stuff.The truth is that A.I. can actually make an Email Marketers job A LOT easier.But for replacing the CREATIVITY & EMPATHY that a human copywriter brings to the table…?It’s just not going to happen EVER…If you want mediocre results, then sure – go with a plug-and-play tool.If you want exceptional results, hire an expert.Mediocre graphic designers are being replaced by tools like Canva… but that doesn’t mean we don’t pay a GREAT DESIGNER to design our websites.And if you want to optimize your email list, increase your revenue, and cash in on more conversions… then you HIRE A COPYWRITER.It’s as simple as that. And it’s never going to change.So here’s my advice to the people who want to learn high-income skills…ignore the myths mentioned above..
Don’t be mediocre.
Position yourself as an expert.Do that, and you’ll be INVALUABLE to any brand or business that wants to optimize their Email Marketing strategies.THAT’S your secret weapon.THAT’S how you make yourself A.I. proof.THAT’S how you position yourself as an expert in the industry and get clients begging you for your expertise.

There are thousands of dollars being spent on degrees that at best teach you to become a hard-working employee and keep paying taxes to the government.You are taught to work for 40 years in various organizations until your retirement.By that time if you have had some sort of financial discipline, you would have saved a few Million dollars to enjoy your retired life.But by that time your prime years would be over.Throughout your life, you didn’t get to pay yourself first.You paid taxes to the Government first and got the leftover to pay your bills.

Have you ever seen any business owner paying taxes first?

They pay themselves first, invest money and then pay the taxes.What if you can work for only 10-15 years on yourself and enjoy your life travelling the world and spending time with family?There are very few people who get sick and tired of their monotonous jobs and make a decision to change their circumstances.


HOW do they become a damned good copywriter and email marketer?One who understands the audience, knows the power of connection, and has mastered the art of conversion?Well… they develop the skills, techniques, practical EXPERIENCE, and knowledge needed to make yourself an expert!They invest in themselves and learn life changing high-income skills and take charge of their life.Copywriting and E-mail marketing give you the freedom to earn money from home by writing engaging ad copies, emails/email sequences, website copy and sales letters..that convert and help your clients generate more revenue as compared to what they had been earning till now.

What if you can earn $3000 - $5000 a month depending on the effort you put in refining your craft?


1. Your skills give you time and money freedom.2. You get to be your own boss and work anywhere and anytime you like.3. You have the power to command money at will.4. You pay yourself first and invest in revenue generating assets.5. You never retire from your business.6. You get to travel the world and drive luxury cars.7. You get to reinvest the money in your business to grow higher.8. You get to live a stress-free life.9. You get time to work on your other interests.10. You get to spend time with your adorable kids.


8 WEEKSAs soon as you join, you get on a 1-1 call with me where we’ll discuss how to define your niche and start creating content.We’ll make a content strategy and come up with a custom game plan for you to start writing ad copies and emails.Over the next 8 weeks, we’ll focus on 3 key things.● Learning Copywriting basics
● Understand email marketing
● Becoming better at these skillsets
I’ll also solve your biggest roadblock to content creation and help you to get better at it.


There is a 30 days money-back guarantee.No questions asked.Just mail me your details and we’ll refund the entire amount.However, the guarantee won't apply if you don't implement my advice, cut corners or aren't consistent with your inputs.

Will this work for you?

Note:This offer is for those who want more out of their monotonous life.This is for people who are COMMITTED; not INTERESTED.This is for those who are serious enough to reinvent themselves and gain financial freedom forever.

WARNING:This is not for the distracted lot who want a “get rich quick” scheme.This is not for self-obsessed souls who buy a course and never implement the strategies to get better.This is definitely not for those who can’t do the work every single day.You might do yourself a favour by ignoring this if any of the points apply to you.You’ll be much better off by not investing in this blueprint.

Here are some examples of people it will work for -Corporate lads who want time and money freedom.People in other jobs who want to earn extra income.Entrepreneurs, founders, coaches and consultants.Graduates, postgraduates and people looking to earn additional income.

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